Movement Maker.





“Appendages” - writer/director/producer

Official Winner for “Best Super Short Film” - New York Movie Awards, April 2022

A look inside the psyche of a woman grappling with her various world attachments and belongings. Inspired by the work of the likes of Marie Kondo, this short film investigates the yogic principle of non-attachment. What does it mean to be stripped of our labels, our belongings, our perceived identity? Who are we without these things to cling to? And how heavily do we rely on them for our own sense of comfort and survival in a world where we identify ourselves by such? From first time filmmaker and director Candice Fox, “Appendages” explores the concept of what it might mean to let go of the things we think define us.

“dormant resilience” - writer/director/producer

An exploration of grief, time, and the experience of being human. Starring dancer Taylor Unwin, “Dormant Resilience” is a marriage of spoken word, movement, and music. In a world that is dominated by manmade constructs and illusive ideas, how do we know what it really means to be alive? And how do we grapple with the grief of understanding the complexities of loss? Shot on a bike path in Los Angeles on a hazy day, the comings and goings of bikes and cars signify the highways of souls entering and exiting the earth at any given moment. Inspired by and in tribute to the death of a friend, filmmaker Candice Fox investigates the nuances of space and time captured through Unwin’s choreography.

“Mental maps” - writer

Poems From A Traveler’s Notebook

Some people collect souvenirs when they travel. Maybe they buy a new magnet with the name of the city or country they visited on it. Maybe it’s a t-shirt or a shot glass or ceramic mug. I’ve always collected words. This collection of poems is a love letter of sorts to every corner of the earth I’ve been fortunate enough to uncover. I hope that these words help transport you and accurately reflect the unique beauty of every place I’ve sat in silence and simply listened. In this intimately personal collection of poems collected from years of traveling, I invite you to join me in  witnessing scenery of starry skies in Joshua Tree, rainy days in Sydney and balmy mornings spent n Los Angeles. This is an anthology of the answers I have found both in and outside of myself when wandering the globe.